Today it’s my pleasure to present the interview with Gesine Meissner (European Parliament – Alde Group).

In this interview Gesine Meissner gives us positive examples of her work for Europe in benefit for us citizens.

We talk about :

– Better & faster control & distribution of medicine in Europe
– Maritime Policy – CLEANER OCEANS

The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, has appointed ALDE MEP Gesine Meissner (FDP/Germany) as Special Envoy on Maritime Policy to provide him direct assistance in this policy area.

Thanks Europablog for the nice article in German about this interview :

Die Europaabgeordnete Gesine Meissner im Gespräch mit Alexander Louvet

Powershoots TV “Positive Energy in Europe”

A real pleasure to announce that we have now over
100 000 visitors on the channel !!
Over 25 of the recorded Vips are standing in their individual ranking on youtube on Nr. 1 !

The aim of launching Powershoots TV is simple: to attract positive minds and spread positive messages across Europe,
based on the slogan: “Positive Energy in Europe”.
The full list of 150 videos you can find here. Powershoots TV – “Positive Energy in Europe”
On this channel high level people give not only give positive Statements & Interviews about Europe,
but also concrete examples of their positive work and results in favour for all of us.
I strongly believe that the most important thing is that we ALL stay positive and that we spread “Positive Energy” around us,
the best way to find the right solutions.
We’re all Europeans, a little part of this “Positive Energy in Europe” and together we are strong .
 We are Europe …
Thanks much to support the project in participating & spreading this positive messages with placing links , sharring etc.

This channel is promoted via this web, different pages on Face Book – Linkedin – Twitter – Google Plus & a strong mailing to all main key players & journalists in Europe.

over 25 of the recorded people are Nr. 1 in the individual ranking on youtube

Top News !
I’m very happy & proud to announce that after 4 years, futur recordings of Powershoots TV related to Europe & the European Commission will take place in the Audio-Visual Studios of the European Commission.
A real top opportunity & challange.
I thank very very much all people in the European Commission for recognising my work and to offer this super studios – in benefit of Powershoots TV – Europe and all of us !!!

This project is already supported by : President Jean-Claude Juncker (EC) – Pierre Moscovici (EC) – Maros Sefcovic (EC) – Michael Schneider (CoR) – Rudolf Strohmeier (EC) – Elisabeth Köstinger (EP) – Rüdiger Lüdeking (German Embassy) – Johannes Laitenberger (EC) – Reinhard Silberberg (German Embassy) – Barbara Hendricks (Bmub) – Florika-Fink Hooijer ‘EC) – Karmenu Vella (EC) – Dimitrios Theologitis (EC) – Renate Sommer (EP) – Vytenis Andriukaitis (EC) – Xavier Prats Monné (EC) – Bernd Lange (EP) – Markus Pieper (EP) – Rainer Wieland (EP) – Henrik Hololei (EC) – Jean-Arnold Vinois (EC) -Dominique Ristori (EC) – Markku Markula (COR) – Kornelios Korneliou (Amb) – Alessia Maria Mosca (EP) – Jean de Ruyt (Amb) – Ugo Rossi (MP) – Günther Platter (MP) – Gesine Meissner (EP) – Günther Oettinger (EC) – Arno Kompatscher (MP) – Thomas Mann (EP) – Jutta Steinruck (EP) – Angelika Niebler (EP) – Dieter-Lebrecht Koch (EP) -Joao Aguiar Machado (EC) – Christian Buchmann (MP) – Ismail Ertug (EP) – Anna Johansson (M) – Wim Van de Camp (EP) – Jens Gieseke (EP) – Olli Rehn (EP) – Dita Charanzova (EP) – Oliver Paasch (MP) – Hermann Van Rompuy (Pr.) – Michel Barnier (EC) – Viviane Reding (EP) – Jerzy Buzek (EP) – Keir Fitch (EC) – Herbert Dorfmann (EP) – Rodney John Allam – Johann Vande Lanotte (M) – Akira Yoshino – Malcolm Harbour (EP) – Connie Hedegaard (EC) – Thomas Bach – Alexander Miesen (DG) – Martin Kastler (EP) – Jo Leinen (EP) – Giles Chichester (EP) – Vittorio Prodi (EP) – Philip Lowe (EC) – Claude Turmes (EP) – Johannes Swoboda (EP) Chrysogelos Nikos (EP) – Renier Nijskens (Amb) – Michael Theurer (EP) – Neelie Kroes (EC) – Andris Piebalgs (EC) – Siim Kallas (EC) – Karin Kadenbach (EP) – Michael Kerkloh (ADV) – Richard Seeber (EP) – Matthias Ruete (EC) – Gerhard Stahl (Cor) – Herbert Reul (EP) – Karel Vinck (EC) – Othmar Karas (EP) – Brian Simpson (EP) – Raul Rübig (EP) – Rebecca Harms (EC) – Pierre-Olivier Beckers – Jean-Eric Paquet (EC) – Hans-Gert Pöttering (EP) – Boguslaw Liberadski (EP) – Holger Kramer (EP) – Dominique Riquet (EP) – Andreas Schwab (EP) – Jürgen Klute (EP) – Mechthild Wörsdörfer (EC) – Georges Bach (EP) Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (EP) – Elisabeth Jeggle (EP) – Michael Kramer (EP) – Jean-Claude Delen – Karl Schramek (Amb) – Eckart Cuntz (Amb) – Mathieu Grosch (EC) – Hermann Winkler (EP) Werner Langen (EP) – Burkhard Balz (EP) – Nadja Hirsch (EP) – Jürgen Creutzmann (EP) – Karl-Heinz Lambertz (MP) – Eva Lichtenberger (EP) – …..